In Conversation at the Witherle: Noah Charney and Heather McCargo

Noah Charney and Heather McCargo will discuss Dr. Charney’s newly released book, These Trees Tell a Story. This program is free and all are welcome. The discussion will take place in Emerson Hall, Court Street in Castine. Zoom link available; see below
Noah Charney is Assistant Professor of Conservation Biology at UMaine Orono. Work in the Charney Lab spans landscape ecology, conservation biology, natural history, public policy, and environmental education. Dr. Charney is author of These Trees Tell a Story and coauthor of the award-winning Tracks and Signs of Insects and Other Invertebrates: A Guide to North American Species.
Heather McCargo founded Wild Seed Project in 2014 and served as Executive Director from 2014 to 2021. A former head plant propagator at the New England Wild Flower Society’s (now Native Plant Trust) Garden in the Woods during the 1990s, she has lectured nationally and is widely published in journals and magazines.
These Trees Tell a Story
Charney sees the details of a landscape less for their aesthetic qualities than for their contributions to the record of a place. He connects the seemingly unrelated, showing how salamanders in the Northern Hemisphere can trace their existence to a fluke of plate tectonics; how a meandering river has created a staircase along an embankment; and the effect of deer on mice, who in turn affect the spongy moth and oak trees, which in turn affect the deer. The cumulative effect of his book on the reader is the realization that, as much as we talk about “managing” nature, nature has been managing itself for eons just fine without us.
Alexandra Horowitz, The Atlantic, May 30, 2023
Zoom Link
Topic: In Conversation at the Witherle: Noah Charney and Heather McCargo
Time: Nov 9, 2023 05:30 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
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