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Author Presentation: Spencer Stephens

Author Presentation: Spencer Stephens
Date: September 30, 2021
Time: 5:00 pm - 6:00 pm

Co-sponsored by Castine Arts Association

Library Reading Room and on ZOOM

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Meeting ID: 847 3841 8036

About the Novel

Blood Lily is a literary thriller about a modern Saudi woman – a royal – whose violent father embeds her in America with instructions to lead two brothers on a suicidal bombing mission on the Washington, DC, subway. Her whole life has been dictated by authoritarian strongmen and she is desperate to overcome them. The story is about the impacts of oppression and fear as much as it is a takedown of the autocrats and tyrants who would like to rule us all. Kirkus Reviews calls it “engrossing.” says it is a “propulsive” thriller, unique because its characters are so richly developed.

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