Temple Blackwood ~ Artist Statement
I began my woodturning journey as a teenager with the specific purpose of mastering the skills, craft and art of this specific medium. Happily, I find at this much later point in life that I continue in that quest, learning more and enjoying it more each time I engage with turning a new piece of wood or interact with another woodturner eager to share his or her latest discovery.
Here in mid-coastal Castine, Maine, there is a balance between working deep in the woods to find the next perfect tree and exploring the design ideas of a challenging piece of wood spinning on the lathe while experiencing the delight of a well-shaped taper smoothed so amazingly by a sharpened skew chisel.
Using firewood as the primary heat for both my shop and home, I find an innate conflict emerges from discovering far more pieces that call out to be turned than to be burned. The redeeming reality is that due to the insatiable appetite of my wood stove, there are never any “mistakes” in my shop.
As a long-time woodturner, I continue to develop my passion for woodturning as an art and craft, my deep appreciation of different kinds of wood and of the complex skills required, and for sharing my experience with other woodturners. I am especially interested in bringing new turners of all genders and all ages to turning and sharing my great interest in exploring the artistic sensations of shape, form, texture and color found within wood.
And I continue to savor the sensual enjoyment of cutting wood cleanly and smoothly, finishing it naturally with a clear, hand-rubbed finish, and committing myself to making commonly useful items as pleasing and lovely as possible.