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The Witherle Memorial Library is fortunate to collaborate with artists, writers, and other nonprofit and community organizations to bring a range of programs to our patrons. In addition, library patrons share their time and expertise in support of several regular book and policy discussion groups.

Cosponsoring organizations include the Castine Arts Association, the Unitarian Universalist Congregation, the Adams School, the Town of Castine, the Castine Historical Society, the Wilson Museum, the Womans Club and, of course, the Friends of the Witherle Library.

View calendar

Date Time Event
April 2 9:00 am Meeting of the Board of Trustees
April 2 10:30 am Storytime
April 2 2:15 pm Crafty Wednesday: Tiny Art
April 3 2:00 pm Dungeons & Dragons Student Edition Group 2
April 4 6:00 pm Dungeons & Dragons
April 7 10:00 am Witherle Fiber Arts Group
April 8 3:00 pm Dungeons & Dragons Student Edition Group 1
April 9 10:30 am Storytime
April 14 10:00 am Witherle Fiber Arts Group
April 16 10:30 am Storytime
April 16 5:00 pm Digital Security Discussion Group
April 17 2:00 pm Dungeons & Dragons Student Edition Group 2
April 18 6:00 pm Dungeons & Dragons
April 21 10:00 am Witherle Fiber Arts Group
April 22 3:00 pm Dungeons & Dragons Student Edition Group 1
April 23 10:30 am Storytime
April 23 6:00 pm in Just- spring: A Poetry Workshop
April 24 4:00 pm Meeting of the Friends of Witherle Library
April 28 10:00 am Witherle Fiber Arts Group
April 30 10:30 am Storytime
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