Thank you for your interest in the Witherle Memorial Library.
Donate Time
We’re always looking for volunteers to help out with our daily operations, programming, and fundraisers. If you’re interested in volunteering your time and talents, we would love to hear from you!
Donate Money
Your financial support helps fund programs and materials not otherwise covered by our operating budget, and ensures that we can continue to provide outstanding services to our patrons. You can make a donation in the form of either a gift or a memorial donation.
If you prefer to pay by check our mailing address is as follows:
Town of Castine
fbo/Witherle Memorial Library
P.O. Box 202
Castine, ME 04421
Remember the Library in Your Estate Plan
To find out more about how to name the library in your estate plan or to notify the library of your intention to do so please contact Anne Romans, Library Director.
Donate online with PayPal
Use the button below to donate with a credit card or PayPal account.

The Witherle Library maintains drawers of information detailing the different parts of Castine’s history as well as ephemera, art and maps. A significant section is dedicated to the life and work of Deborah Pulliam, the library’s great benefactor. Interestingly, Deborah was a textile historian and wrote many papers on the subject. These are included in her collection.