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Garden Planning and Approval Timeline


Below are important dates in the development of the Library’s Botanical Garden.

August 15, 2024
Planning Board Meeting
Board Members and Municipal Staff: Tom Comiciotto, Beverly Bishop, Don Tenney, Jim Bernard , Penny Carlhian, Castine CEO Shawn Blodgett, Library Director Nick Berry
Community Members: Mark Pelletier, Brooke Tenney, Doug and Karen Koos, Ann Blodgett, Ann Whidden

Library Director Nick Berry presented the plan for the Witherle Botanical Garden. Don Tenney recused himself from the vote. It was determined that the only portion that the planning board had jurisdiction over was the change in the elevation on the court street portion of the lot. It was determined there was not enough information to vote on the change in elevation and they requested that the library provide additional drawings from a licensed landscape architect showing the change in elevation. The vote was tabled until September with a work session on September 5 and the official meeting on September 12.

July 9, 2024
Public Forum at Emerson Hall
Library board member Pat Dunham updated attendees on the status of the garden and introduced landscape designer Heather McCargo.  Heather presented on native plant garden design.  After her presentation, several members of the audience stood to offer their opinion of the project.

July 2, 2024
WML Board of Trustees’
ad hoc Landscape Committee
Meeting minutes available in Documents.

May 11, 2024
Castine Town Meeting
Article #38. To see what sum, not to exceed $130,000, the Town will raise and appropriate for Library Capital Projects. The Library Trustees recommend: $130,000.
$115,000 of this appropriation is for the garden project.
Yes = 76; No = 13
Majority approved.

April 26, 2024
WML Board of Trustees’
ad hoc Landscape Committee
Meeting minutes available in Documents.

November 13, 2023
Town of Castine Selectboard Work Session
WML Board President Karen Lyons and board member Pedrick Sweet presented the garden project to the Select Board.

November 9, 2023
Library Event at Emerson Hall
In Conversation, UMO Professor Noah Charney and Heather McCargo
The garden design was on display at the event.

October 11, 2023
WML Board of Trustees Meting
Heather McCargo, Wild Seed Project founder, presented her garden design for the library.

February 2, 2022
WML Board of Trustees Meeting
Library Director Nick Berry made the initial presentation for the garden project to the Board.