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Board of Trustees

Board of Trustees

This summer the Board of Trustees welcomed Marc Scoppetone to the board. Marc has been a volunteer with Friends of Library since 2021 where he dedicated his time to managing the book sale over the past three summers. His professional experience in financial analysis will be an asset in his role as treasurer where he will act as a liaison for managing the library endowment. We look forward to Marc’s contributions to this important role.

Marc replaced Pedrick Sweet who resigned in July after serving the board since 2018. Pedrick served as treasurer for much longer than he originally agreed. We appreciate his dedication and always positive contributions to our meetings. In the past two years, Pedrick spent a significant amount of time researching Castine citizens of the past who made major contributions to library. The board will carry that work forward and decide how to best recognize these contributors. Thank you, Pedrick!

Casey Bernard