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Digital Resources for Students

Why use digital learning resources? They can provide quick access to huge amounts of engaging instructional content for everyone including students. Digital tools allow students to explore various subjects, conduct research, and access educational materials that may not be available in traditional textbooks or nonfiction texts. We are fortunate in that Digital Maine provides a wealth of electronic resources free to Maine residents and in a few cases you may need your library card. 

Take some time and check out our new Digital Resources for Students. A range of age-appropriate resources students might need for research are in one place.  For example, if you are interested in finding information on WWII or climate change, you can use one of the resources such as Gale in Context or World Book. With social media sites galore, most students are already digital citizens. However, by learning to use sites whose information is vetted, students will feel confident in the research they find is accurate, spend less time scrolling aimlessly through websites, and learn what quality research looks like.