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Join Us for a Seasonal Comparison

There is something about Fall that gets you ready for adventure. 

Recently, while moving, I came across an old seasonal journal my family used to record what animals and plants we observed on any given day over a period of five years. I almost threw it out, but I stopped and took a trip down memory lane reading all the entries. I had the idea that families could create their own “journal” by taking multiple hikes on one trail during the fall and winter months. You could note the changes to the flora and fauna or choose an object and photograph the changes over the winter.  I was so thankful that I kept my family journal and could note when the first birds started South and when it seemed like snow was in the air. 

Fall is arguably the best season to go hiking. The summer heat is gone and Autumn’s cooler temperatures are most welcome. Leaves are changing, wildlife is active, and the air is full of autumn smells. Grab your family and head out to observe and record what you see on your hike at the Hatch Cove Preserve. Then, go again in winter and note the changes in your journal by writing and drawing what you observe.