Kingdom Woods Conservation Area, also known as KWCA for short, is a beautiful 800 acre parcel with three miles of trails with a shoreline and is one of the few undeveloped ponds in Maine. The pond itself is 50 acres! It is full of oaks and pines on 3 miles of networked trails. It is a relatively easy hike, so it makes for a great family trip.
Guided Hike with Blue Hill Heritage Trust
Why not sign up for a guided hike of the property? An added bonus is that the Blue Hill Heritage Trust is offering a guided hike at the property on March 13, 10am-noon (snow date 3/14) Your hiking guides that morning are Merrie Eley and Barbara Kourajian, who will share their naturalist knowledge with you. If there is a lot of ice on the trails, they may change locations but they will notify anyone who is signed up. Register by clicking here.
The Hike: Tracking in a Winter Wonderland
This property is home to deer, moose, bobcat, muskrat, beaver, snowshoe hare and a multitude of waterfowl and song birds. It is a great place to explore just after the snow falls. While we do not necessarily want to run into a bear or a bobcat it is certainly fun to look for evidence of them on your trail. Before you take to the trail, click here to download your printable copy of the Pocket Guide to Maine Animal Tracks. For additional insights take a look at this video on signs of wildlife. And finally. you might also want to take a look at the Maine Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife helpful article that gives you tips when you are looking for tracks on your hike. After your hike and noting the types of wildlife or interesting tracks you find you can click onto iNaturalist and help Blue Hill Heritage Trust document, inventory, and catalog the biodiversity of wildlife.
Photo is courtesy of Maine Trail Finder.